Finnish Championship and 1st Division tournament 1.-2.3.2025

Finnish Championship and 1st Division series continues in Helsinki with a weekend full of Roller Derby and fun. Come and join us in Pasilan Urheiluhallit to cheer on Roller Derby and win fun prizes in our raffle!

✨ Saturday 1.3. ✨
13:30 – Doors Open
14:00 – JoKu Seinä (Joensuu-Kuopio-Seinäjoki) – Oulu Roller Derby B
16:45 – Kallio Rolling Rainbow All Colours – Riverdale Rollers (Ylivieskä)
19:30 – Helsinki Roller Derby C-Kasetti – Dirty River Roller Derby Boss-Ankat (Turku)

✨ Sunday 2.3. ✨
10:30 – Doors Open
11:00 – Kallio Rolling Rainbow Kinapori Fistfunkers – Rovaniemi at Ylivieska Hoods (Rovaniemi and Ylivieska)
13:30 – Dirty River Roller Derby A – Tampere Roller Derby A

Accessibility information will be updated in the Facebook-event discussion.

Tickets are only sold at the venue with card payment. Each ticket has three options:
Discounted / Standard / Derby Lover
One-Day Ticket: Prizes will be updated soon!
Two-Day Ticket: Prizes will be updated soon!
Reduced: The reduced ticket is available for students, pensioners, refugees and unemployed. Everyone under 16 years gets free admission as well as personal assistants.
Derby Lover: The Derby Lover Ticket is our supporter ticket available for everyone who enjoys derby and has the additional coins to support Roller Derbys future.

All games will be streamed on YouTube for free.
Stream Links will be updated soon! Meanwhile, view all the great games streamed by Kerberos Live!

Header photo copyrights by Erika Luoto!

Application for Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s teams

This is an additional application for Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s B team. Through this binding charter application, players will be selected for the teams, and a player commits to playing in their team’s games if possible within their own schedules. We encourage all those interested in playing to apply! However, you must have completed the minimum skills test to apply for the team

The B team has registered to play in the SM series I-Division, where mainly other club B teams, smaller clubs, and combinations of even smaller club teams compete.

There can be a maximum of 3 crossover players between the A and B teams, but there is no limit to transfer players between the B and C teams (Piritori’s Aces). You do not need to assess your skill level; you can apply to the teams if you are interested in playing!

In the SM series, WFTDA, and 1st Division games, WFTDA rules are followed, and players must commit to following these rules. This also includes WFTDA’s gender policy ( Kallio Rolling Rainbow has decided in a vote following the spring meeting that WFTDA’s Gender Policy’s “gender expansive” term covers all genders except cisgender players.

The application period starts on October 16, 2023.
The application deadline is October 20, 2023, at 5:00 PM.

The application requires:

  • Experience in roller derby training.
  • Knowledge of the rules.
  • In addition, players are required to have an

Beginners’ course confirmation

Course timetable

  • FRI 30.8. at 18-19:30 Pasilan Urheilutalo, Radiokatu 22
  • THU 5.9. at 18–20 Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturenkatu 16-18
  • FRI 6.9. at 18-19:30 Pasilan Urheilutalo, Radiokatu 22
  • THU 12.9. at 18–20 Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturenkatu 16-18
  • FRI 13.9. at 18-19:30 Pasilan Urheilutalo, Radiokatu 22
  • THU 19.9. at 18–20 Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturenkatu 16-18
  • FRI 20.9. at 18-19:30 Pasilan Urheilutalo, Radiokatu 22
  • THU 26.9. at 18–20 Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturenkatu 16-18
  • FRI 27.9. at 18-19:30 Pasilan Urheilutalo, Radiokatu 22
  • TUE 1.10. at 19-21 Viikin monitoimitalo, Maakaari 3
  • THU 3.10. at 18–20 Stadin ammattiopisto, Sturenkatu 16-18

The course fee is 70 €.

For some of the skaters, we can rent skating gear for 30 €. We don’t have enough gear for everybody so we’ll go with a first come, first serve mentality. The people who signed up first get the gear first.

We’ll encourage y’all to buy your own gear as it’s the most sure way to get the gear. We’ll help you with all of your questions regarding skates and gear!

Let us know if you’re still interested in our course! We’ll answer all of your questions!

Many European derby shops have ready packages for beginners, Roller Derby House and Sucker Punch. There’s also FB group Derbykirppis Rollaattori. You should write your own ”in search of” post as the group is slow and, thus, sadly, you can’t be sure you’ll find gear from there.

Application for coaching Kallio Rolling Rainbow teams on season 2024-2025

Apply with this form to become a coach for some of Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s teams. The following positions are available:

  • Head Coach for A-team
  • 1-2 assistant or bench coaches for A-team
  • Head Coach for B-team
  • 1-2 assistant or bench coaches for B-team
  • Head Coach for C-team
  • •1-2 assistant or bench coaches for C-team

The application is open until Wednesday, August 14th at 11:55 PM.

The coaching season for the teams follows the SM-league season of 2024-25. The coach’s responsibilities will be tailored to the strengths of the selected individual, and the most important aspect is to find someone who can commit to developing with the team throughout the 2024-25 season. If you have even the slightest interest in coaching, assistant coaching, bench coaching, or player coaching, please submit an application. Our teams are happy to discuss with everyone that have applied in order to find the most functional role for the coach within the community. Submitting an application does not commit you to anything.

Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s A-team, All Colours, competes in the Finnish Championship Series and possibly some international games. The SM-league consists of approximately 5 tournaments and a final tournament. During the season, the team mainly travels within Finland but may travel abroad 1-2 times as well.

Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s B-team, Kinapori Fistfunkers, has registered to play in the SM-league I-Division, where mainly other leagues’ B-teams, smaller leagues, and even smaller league’s combined teams play.

Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s C-team, Piritorin Ässät, is intended for newer players and those who want to play friendly matches with other leagues nearby.

Mitä taitoja/ominaisuuksia haluan kehittää tehtävässä? / What skills or qualities I want to improve in the post?
Jos minut valittaisiin tehtävään, mitkä kolme periaatetta/arvoa johtavat toimintaani?
If I was appointed to the position, which three principals/values would lead my work?
Mitä tehtäviä ja tavoitteita haluaisin itselläni olevan seurassa/joukkueessa ja miten toimintaa voidaan arvioida /
What tasks and goals would I like to have in the league/team and how can the activities be evaluated
Aikatauluihini/elämäntilanteeseeni liittyvät seikat, jotka voivat vaikuttaa osallistumiseeni
/ Things regarding my life and schedules, that might affect my participation
Miten kuvailen itseäni tiimityössä, ja vuorovaikutuksessa muiden kanssa?
How I would describe my interaction skills and myself working in a team?

Player application for Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s recreational team

Ässät are back on the track! Apply now to become an ace in Piritorin Ässät, Kallio Rolling Rainbow’s hobby team. Aces are newer players and those who don’t really want to compete in roller derby. You can apply to Piritorin Ässät if you have passed the minimum skills requirements or have a similar skill level.

Applying requires

  • Experience in roller derby training
  • Knowledge of the rules
  • Passing the minimum skills test or skills of a similar level
  • Selected players must become a member of KRR

You can apply to the amateur team if you have passed the minimum skills test or you’re on the same skill level.

If you haven't decided, we all can help you to find your own!
Muuta kokemusta kuin KRR alkeiskurssi? Miten hyvin tunnet säännöt?
Other experience than KRR beginnes' course? How well do you know the rules?
Ideat, ajatukset, palautteet, kommentit, toiveet
Ideas, thoughts, feedback, comments, wishes

KRR Roller Disco at Oiva 26.6.

Join the celebration of Pride week, Kallio Rolling Rainbow and Ravintola Oiva are hosting a KRR Roller Disco ❤ Oiva 26.6. at 18:00.

Come dance, party, and swirl on skates with us! Skates and other gear can be borrowed for free (most adult sizes available). First-time skaters will receive help, no one will be on their own. We recommend firstimers use all the safety gear. All skaters will be skating at their own responsibility. Ravintola Oiva is not fully accessible; a few steps at the entrance, no accessible toilet. The staff will help if needed.